Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Poetry: The problem with waiting is

I've never had sugar
Not a lick
Not a spoonful
No candy
No cookies
No cake

I want to savor my first bite
I want to leave the full experience
So that it's pure
And its sweetness I could never forget
I believe that its goodness belongs to dessert only
And I haven't gotten past lunch

Don't tell me about your sweet cereal
Don't brag about your candied snacks
Don't speak to me about saccharine meals
I don't want to know the "benefits" of Halloween
I don't want to know what your favorite treats are
I don't want to know how frequent you feast upon sweetener

I have decided to follow this rule
So don't
Don't tempt me by making food I will not consume
Don't leave small candies behind in my room
Don't describe for me the joys it causes
Don't tell me that it won't spoil my meal plan
Don't tell me that I can have dessert before dinner
Don't tell me your personal lines of distinction
Don't make fresh cookies while I am near
In fact, I don't even want to see it
Hide your sugar, hide it all

You say I'm crazy
My lines are too strict
It's possible
But I won't take that chance
I say I'm waiting
Waiting for it all


You offer a small confectionary
Just smell it, you ask
I can imagine placing it inside my mouth
What harm could a little bonbon cause?
I falter and so you leave it in my care
Make the decision yourself you say
You leave
In your absence
I consult those I trust
On this matter of sucrose
They grew gluttonous in their youth
From their experience they tell me
The dangers of sweet voracity
I almost broke
I cannot believe it
I have let this dreaded delight
Too close


I taste a small piece
It's intoxicating
It's what I hoped for
More than I envisioned
My head reels
I need more
I close my eyes
Relish the goodness
I open my eyes
The shame of my glut lies before me
But I'm now addicted
I knew I'd love it
This is why I had those boundaries
Thank goodness it is now past dinner
Let the feast begin


It turns out that all of my years
Of abstinence
Built an intolerance
For my justified vice

It turns out that my patience
Is limited
And I demand what I crave
Now that I know that my craving
Can be satisfied

It turns out that what I desire
Is not always easily offered
(In frustration do I take it
Or grow angry and resentful?)

It is dessert time
I demand to receive
It's what I waited for
It's why I ate my dinner


I guess the problem with waiting is
I wasn't really waiting at all
Just living in restriction
Closed in under tight boundary
Forcing distance to enforce security
I didn't learn how to be secure

All my hopes and dreams
Got tied into this
I had unrealistic expectations
Instead of channeling
My wait into patience
I stored it all
For this future moment
And it didn't pan out
Like I wanted
It didn't last
Like I imagined

Too many hidden variables
Too many changing factors
Too many unforeseen difficulties
And certainly
Too little patience

(Because it's finally birthday
And I need to open all the presents now
I thought I could laugh at all
The early openers,
They who celebrate on the wrong date,
Those who open one present a night early
Because I waited
And my reveal was supposed to be
But the boxes contained PJs and socks
And more and more unfascinating things
And rules appeared
About when and how
The presents could and should be unfastened)

This isn't what I pictured
This isn't what I wanted
I thought I was being patient
It turns out
It was just a guise
For my greed


Do I understand now
What I didn't then?
When you said,
"You can have dinner without dessert."

In my urgency to consume
The prize of the meal
Did I forget the importance
Of a strong fundamental base?

In my greed to finally satisfy
The hunger of my flesh
Did I forget the reason
Such a gift is even offered?

Did I forget that it was a gift?
In my desire to achieve this end
Did I ignore the truth of the matter?
The possibility it might not even be offered?

(I wonder how true I would have stayed
If I found out that my end prize
That I have placed everything onto
Would not have been made available)

The problem with waiting is...

I hadn't learned patience nor love.

And I am all the worse for it.

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