Saturday, April 16, 2016

Poetry: Mister Gentleman

You break my heart
Every day

I hate your chivalry
I loathe it
Because I appreciate it
Because it makes me feel special
Because the very action is so desired
But mostly?
Mostly because it really hurts when you don't

And I hate that build up
I hate that eager expectation I have
That you created
Because of your kindness
Because the days that you aren't
Which should be normal
Which should be just fine
Which should be considered wonderful

Don't be nice
Don't be kind
Don't you dare
Don't say kind words
Don't commit the deeds of gentlemen

Because the one time
You forget
You're not in the mood
You're pre-occupied
That time?
That is the one that hurts

And I don't want to hurt from something that's not your fault
And I don't want to hurt from some dumb fake expectation
And I don't want to hurt from some dumb fake standard of action
That hasn't really been established
Not outside my head, anyway

Don't set me up like that
Don't you ever
Because it's personal

And I can't handle it.

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