Saturday, September 20, 2014

Poetry: I love you

Do you remember how we met?
I remember that rugged plaid blue shirt that you wore
Your mop-like hair splatted about your face
That cheeky smile you had that always made me happy

Did I seem desperate to be around you?
I was
I needed to feel your warmth when I hugged you
I needed to breathe in your scent when I saw you close by

Your quirks and odd humor
Your need to debate our differences
Your desire to know me
Were you attracted too?

How often I wished to kiss you
Never gathering the courage to do so
Why couldn't I be brave?
I wanted to
I normally was
But not then
Not with you

I remember your jokes
Your speeches
Your fears
I know you

I opened up to you
More than anyone else
You knew me
So why couldn't I honestly tell you?

Hon, darling, sweetie, I didn't just say these things
They're not just generic words that I call people
I called you them

I love you

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