Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poetry: Blood of Death

We wanted it
We wished for it with all of our hearts
We took a step back from reality and made a dream
So really it was our fault
It was mine

But you never viewed it like that
Did you?
We begged and pleaded and forced you into a corner
You smiled and let yourself be cowed
It hurts so much to know that you did so out of love
I should feel grateful
But I'm not
I am shamed
The survivor always bears the burden
The burden of guilt

We wanted
We needed, we said
You knew better

Knowing the pain, the cost of death
You suffered
You were tortured
Days, months, years?
Who could know?
But it is certain that the pain was real
The red river trailed your ribs
The flesh was ripped off with leather
Bone was broken
And you ran out of water to cry
Their torture techniques left you mangled

And I just stood there
It was for me and I could not be grateful
You took the blame and I said thank you and ignored your screams
The screams that should have been from my lungs
The blood that engulfed you should have been my blanket
You were starved and mocked
I feasted while watching
How dare I

And then, you said goodbye without a regret on your heart
I wept bitterly but it was just for the death
Not for what you did for me
Not for your resolve
Not for your unfailing dedication and love
No, it was for the loneliness that I knew that I would face now that...

You're gone
I know, I know you're still here
You watch over me and still love me
But I can no longer feel your warmth
Your hand no longer rests on my shoulder
Your smile isn't just for me
I can only see the images

They're all for them
The fan club
The mockers
Those who pretend to understand
I was there
I don't understand
How could they?
Did they know you?
Could they?
I don't know
But I loved you
And now you're gone

One day I hope
I hope I'll see you again
But I'm scared of that day
Because it'll mean my death
I'm not ready
As much as I dislike Them,
When I surround myself with these pretenders,
I feel a part of Us
And then I'm less lonely

But nothing will satisfy me
Except you

Sorry for the rant.
I love you,
You know that, right?
I'm so sorry.
Sorry that I couldn't be strong.
Sorry that I didn't do anything.
You were so strong and I so weak.
I don't like being weak and you make me strong.
I need you.
I feel so helpless without you.
Please love me still.

God, you are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Thank you
I know I don't mean what I say
But I want to

Faith is so hard

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