Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Poetry: Swim

Little fish
Little tank

All day long
Don't you tired of the same scenery?



Poetry: Abuse

Locked in a cage that she believed was home
She didn't understand why they all cried
For her.

Yes, her arms were broken, swollen, and worn
But that's just how it was
Can't tell her why it's wrong.

Locked to wall, yeah he's on a leash
But it's not wrong, it's just his daddy's thing
To him.

Yes, his legs were broken, tied, and dead
But that's just how it was
Can't tell him to be sad.

These people are all living pain
But they don't understand a single thing
These people don't cry at night
Last time they didn't put a fight...
Not them.

Don't you go going calling them names.
They ain't, oh they ain't masochists.
Living their realities is not a breeze
So ignoring what their brain says is wrong (does it?)
They accept their punishment.

They were never told of any other way
This is life, this is home, this is their reality.
And if you tried to take them away,
More than a few curse words they'd say.

Their dad's love is unique.
Their mom's just having a bad day.
Aunt said it's normal.
Brother went through it.
This is a sign of strength.
What are they if not this?
How can their reality be wrong?
It's what they know.
It's what they've experienced.

When it's over,
When they're bleeding, broken...
They look up
And see happiness
Isn't this good?
Isn't this right?
Why would they smile and...
If it wasn't?
Doesn't it have to be?
Right, I mean.
Not sick.
Not horrible.

They are told they are loved.
They bring joy.
Why would they be lied to?
Don't take them away.
They want to bring happiness.
They can.
They will.

She won't cry, locked in a cage.
He won't be bitter, tied to a leash.
This is home.

Poetry: Misguided

Told to live in love
We are raised in hate
Told to give the world peace
We speak only violence and rage
Told to follow the law
We break it incessantly with small acts of selfishness
Told to inspire those who are different
We mock and bully them into submission
Told to stop our cycle of death
We urge it on, loving the bloodbath

We are told many things
Many are positive
What we see is different

We follow our eyes, not our ears
We follow what is easiest
Not what is right

Told to act
See bystanders

How easy would it be
To end a war
If everyone else was frozen in place?

How easy would it be
To follow what's right
When to do nothing is wrong?

How easy would it be
To admit our sins
If lying gave us better results?

It's not easy.
Following a lie in the dark
Is preferred to seeing yourself stumble
In the light

It's not easy.
When you are told you be courageous
Act strong
Why are they cowering in the corner?
Why do they do nothing at all?

Told to create a new trend
When surrounded by those clinging onto the last one,
It's not easy.

And who are they, the hypocrites, to tell you
Tell you that it's your turn to fix the mistakes.
Ones that they created.
Ones that they reveled in.

You could say,
This world,
This learning pattern,
This push for better
When we've only seen worse...

Is misguided.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poetry: Investigation

Hair was long and black
Face was small and round
Eyes were brown and beady
Gender unknown
Sex unknown

I hate documenting dogs.

Poetry: Balance

What kind of fear does it take to force one to live in the dark?
Away from the light one would go mad, they would.
What kind of person would it take to force one to leave the dark?
Towards the light one would be scared, they would prevail.

Poetry: Morose?

His eyes swelled with tears that would never fall.

Poetry: Counting

0 hero
1 fun
2 to
3 she
4 for
5 life
6 sticks
7 heaven(ly)
8 gate(ing)
9 time

Poetry: Calendar

Remember remember upon a September
All the leaves fell down.
Remember remember upon an October
All the warmth rushed out.
Remember remember upon a November
All the animals disappeared.
Remember remember upon a December
All the snow fell down.
Remember remember upon a January
All the trees came out.
Remember remember upon a February
All the snowmen fell down.
Remember remember upon a March
All the flowers grew.
Remember remember upon an April
All the animals came back.
Remember remember upon a May
All the rain fell down.
Remember remember upon a June
All the warmth rushed in.
Remember remember upon a July
All the fireworks soared.
Remember remember upon an August
All the colors changed.
Remember remember upon a Septemeber
All the leaves fell down.

Poetry: Love You

I love you, you know.
I have since the day I met you.
Well, that's not really true.
I've liked you since then.
But I had to know you before I could love you.
I love you, now.

I never told you, seriously.
I was scared of your reaction.
Do you love me too?
I mean romantically.
We've always been close friends so wouldn't it be awkward?
To say, "I love you"?

I've tried to kiss you a few times.
Never quite managed to pull it off.
Always was full of fear.
Full of doubt.
I couldn't stand knowing, either way.

I miss holding your hand, as much as you resented it.
I miss leaning on you, as much as you felt awkward by it.
I miss playing with your hair, as much as you hated it.
I miss talking to you, I know you do too.

Some part of me needs you.
And I hate knowing that.
But a larger part of me wants you.
And I hate that even more.
I hate my dependency upon you and even worse,
I hate not satisfying it.
I love you.
I said it.
I'll say it again.
Listen, this time.
Hear my words.

I need you, hon, darling, sweetie.
I love.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Poetry: Ages

It's dark

I'm tired

Everyone does it
I repeat to myself, quietly
It's not that big a deal
Facing the world alone

But when I saw others
Do what I'm about to do
They always looked confident
Ready to face the world

They were proud

They were able

Poetry: Problems

It hurt, mom
I thought that I could take it
No I didn't
But I pretended I did
And now
Now I can't breathe without crying

The tears well up in my eyes
And they make me shamed
Shamed because...
I was supposed to be better than this
I had potential
I was going to go on in life and be great
Everyone told me so
Even dad told me so

But I didn't
I came upon the first curve on the track and I stumbled
Everyone laughed
Just kidding, no one noticed
Not even you
And so I'm lying here
Beaten, swollen, bruised
Just so very tired
Where did it start to go wrong?

Poetry: Food

I hunger
I ache
I thirst
I need

Was this fridge always so small?
Was the food always this scarce?
The stomach won't stop complaining
But the mouth just ain't satisfying.

I hunger
I ache
I thirst
I need

Looking around, there is nothing.
Not a banana on the counter
Not a steak in the fridge
Will I have to face the cupboard?

I hunger
I ache
I thirst
I need

But not enough to make anything.

Poetry: Love

More than 10 years ago,
She turned her back
Not just to her faith
Her beliefs
Her goals
Her dreams
But her family as well
Her biting words as she deserted
She used to stand for
Would make any man cry.

Most didn't understand
Their reaction
They were so mad
At her betrayal
They never stopped trying
To show her
Their love.

Poetry: Tree

The earth groans and shakes with the pressure
The water screams in horror as it is stolen away from the dark crevices so far below
The wind howls in air as its path is diverted by the mass in front of it
The sun glares down its heat, furious in its inability to see the ground

It doesn't care
The negative attention is what it needs
So it laughs
Spreads its leaves
And becomes even more of a nuisance

Poetry: Cabin

Drip drop
Goes the the faucet
Tick tock
Goes the grandfather
Swoosh clang
Goes the ax

When living in the forest

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Poetry: Fiery Love

Why is it so hard to say something so simple

It's not like it's a challenge to speak

So why do the words take so long to form

When we both know how I feel

I've known you for so long

And we've seen emotions spark and burn out

We know where this has to head

There never was another ending

For us

It's time to turn present into past

By moving on

Changing our status

To ex.

Poetry: Alzheimer's

Remember me
Remember how I used to be
And don't forget how I used to smile
The words I said to you everyday

I'll remember you
I'll remember all you used to do
I'll remember the jokes we had
And the love we felt after saying hello
I'll remember our past
And as the future becomes bleak
I'll hold onto it
To get you through
The insanity you face in the week

This isn't the end

I know

This isn't goodbye

I see you still

This isn't right

But it isn't wrong

I won't remember but I want to say

I love you?

I'm grateful to you,
You who I need
You who I love
You who stayed by me
And loved me

Don't fall asleep

. . .

I love you.

Who are you?

Poetry: Advice

Mist is thick when the eagle calls
Don't think too hard or you'll never fall
Don't look behind when the future calls
The past is pretty but it ends all

Remember to think so you're never cowed
Sing with soul but not too loud
If you think you're falling now
Don't you ever question how

The path is dark and dimly lit
But don't think that you're not fit
Because if you think "this ain't it"
Then you won't get a little bit

The crow cries of the mother's tears
The girl screams to let out her fears
Evil calls as it draws near
Hold your own, hold it dear

In the end, you can win
So don't think your chance is slim
But having an ego is a sin
It's a balance of a needle on a pin

Poetry: Procrastinator

I should be doing my homework
I should be reading my books
I should be taking notes
I should be studying
I should be cleaning my room
I should be memorizing
I should be sleeping
I should be doing laundry
I should be practicing
I should be doing so many things
I chose nothing instead

Poetry: I love you

Do you remember how we met?
I remember that rugged plaid blue shirt that you wore
Your mop-like hair splatted about your face
That cheeky smile you had that always made me happy

Did I seem desperate to be around you?
I was
I needed to feel your warmth when I hugged you
I needed to breathe in your scent when I saw you close by

Your quirks and odd humor
Your need to debate our differences
Your desire to know me
Were you attracted too?

How often I wished to kiss you
Never gathering the courage to do so
Why couldn't I be brave?
I wanted to
I normally was
But not then
Not with you

I remember your jokes
Your speeches
Your fears
I know you

I opened up to you
More than anyone else
You knew me
So why couldn't I honestly tell you?

Hon, darling, sweetie, I didn't just say these things
They're not just generic words that I call people
I called you them

I love you

Poetry: Relationship Demise

I wanted to see you
But I know that I can't
You didn't want me
And so I left

Now I regret saying bye
But I cannot change the past.
Did you feel bad,
Knowing it was all for you?

I miss the heat of the sun
When I was with you
I miss the cold of the dark
When I was with you

Now I can't tell them apart
I don't notice anything
How could I?

Your misuse of love
Made me crazy
And so I
I had to end something

It just happened to be my life.

Poetry: Names









Thursday, September 18, 2014

Poetry: Stones


The stone


The water


With might


The sea


Poetry: Tears

Hold it back
You're in public
Don't go roaming free
Free with your emotions
That's disgusting
Remain strong

Crybaby, they'll say.
Weakling, they'll mock.
Forever after, an attention seeker.

They're in front of you
Yes, they make it hard
But it's now up to you
Control your actions
Let them deal with their's
Don't show weakness

Crybaby, they'll say.
Weakling, they'll mock.
Forever after, an attention seeker.

Home at last
You made it through the day
Now will you cry in front of family
Or let them live in peace from your problems?
Can you justify such selfish actions in front of them?
Yes you're upset but is it bad enough to need their concern?

Crybaby, they'll say.
Weakling, they'll mock.
Forever after, an attention seeker.

Alone now.
Alone in my room.
Were the walls always so close together?
Pain wells up.
Is it time?
Can I stop hiding?
I don't feel like crying.
I want to die.
But I'm too weak for suicide.
It's not worth it anyways.
I'm too worthless to kill.
No one noticed, you know.

I was hiding my tears, yes.
But the pain was still on my face.
If you looked.
No one does.
Am I really that hideous looking?
The memories well up.
Overcoming my body.
I can't handle this.
I've never been able to.

Is it strength that makes me appear strong
Or my weak unwillingness to let myself be known to others?

No one knows me.
Do I know myself?

I cry silently in the dark
Hating my tears
Loathing my fear

I am alone by my own design
Yet I am bitter about the empty room
I pushed everyone away when they tried to get close
And now I am mad that no one is here to console me
I am such a hypocrite
Such an idiotic liar.

I'm not smart
I'm not talented
I'm not unique or special or able or strong
I'm just me.

And it's never been enough,
I know.

And that's why I hide.
Why the tears flow now.
Making me hate
Myself, even more.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poetry: Seasons

The air is crisp
The day is clean
The leaves will soon fall
And then it'll be up to me
To pick them up

The air is cold
The day is dark
The snow continues to fall
All over the small park
Softly landing

The air is chill
The day is new
The buds come out
Say 'hi' to you
Opening earth

The air is hot
The day is fresh
The sun beams down
Making a sweaty mess
Crackling dirt

Poetry: Philosphy

I wonder
I ponder
I think
Or do I?
I question
I evaluate
I guess
Am I a good devil's advocate?

Systemically I have to realize that I am nothing.
What are these ideas but words told to me in ways that aren't even that unique?
Am I fresh
Am I new
Am I crazy
Do you ever just look at yourself and go 'when did that happen'?

I just... I want to understand what is lain in front of me but at the same time I am scared of facing the truth because nothing is more terrifying than facing reality without any blocks
Could I ever be these things?

Show me

Poetry: Autumn

The ground
is beneath me

And above me
is the sky

Surrounding in fashion are the leaves swirling in style

They say "fall"
But that's not true
It's a rising
It's a coming of times,
Not an end

The air is brisk
The body is hot
How can these contradictions remain true?
Heh heh, I can tell you

(But I won't)

Welcome the smells,
Engulf the senses in the season
In the celebration
Of snow.

Poetry: Blood of Death

We wanted it
We wished for it with all of our hearts
We took a step back from reality and made a dream
So really it was our fault
It was mine

But you never viewed it like that
Did you?
We begged and pleaded and forced you into a corner
You smiled and let yourself be cowed
It hurts so much to know that you did so out of love
I should feel grateful
But I'm not
I am shamed
The survivor always bears the burden
The burden of guilt

We wanted
We needed, we said
You knew better

Knowing the pain, the cost of death
You suffered
You were tortured
Days, months, years?
Who could know?
But it is certain that the pain was real
The red river trailed your ribs
The flesh was ripped off with leather
Bone was broken
And you ran out of water to cry
Their torture techniques left you mangled

And I just stood there
It was for me and I could not be grateful
You took the blame and I said thank you and ignored your screams
The screams that should have been from my lungs
The blood that engulfed you should have been my blanket
You were starved and mocked
I feasted while watching
How dare I

And then, you said goodbye without a regret on your heart
I wept bitterly but it was just for the death
Not for what you did for me
Not for your resolve
Not for your unfailing dedication and love
No, it was for the loneliness that I knew that I would face now that...

You're gone
I know, I know you're still here
You watch over me and still love me
But I can no longer feel your warmth
Your hand no longer rests on my shoulder
Your smile isn't just for me
I can only see the images

They're all for them
The fan club
The mockers
Those who pretend to understand
I was there
I don't understand
How could they?
Did they know you?
Could they?
I don't know
But I loved you
And now you're gone

One day I hope
I hope I'll see you again
But I'm scared of that day
Because it'll mean my death
I'm not ready
As much as I dislike Them,
When I surround myself with these pretenders,
I feel a part of Us
And then I'm less lonely

But nothing will satisfy me
Except you

Sorry for the rant.
I love you,
You know that, right?
I'm so sorry.
Sorry that I couldn't be strong.
Sorry that I didn't do anything.
You were so strong and I so weak.
I don't like being weak and you make me strong.
I need you.
I feel so helpless without you.
Please love me still.

God, you are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Thank you
I know I don't mean what I say
But I want to

Faith is so hard

Poetry: Ending

You could never satisfy me
Not really
Not completely
Never able were you to give me what I wanted
What I needed
I felt so empty
Worse than being alone
The loneliness that overcame me before?
At least not compared to now

I’m so sorry
So sorry to tell you this
I know how it must hurt
But you harm me
With your presence around I feel sick
I could have been so much
But ended up so little
I know you didn’t mean to
But it happened anyways

It’s time to say goodbye

Poetry: Conversations

I do
It was so long ago
It was yesterday
Yeah, so long ago
Do you lack a sense of time?
I think mine’s more correct than yours
In what way?
Time is ..is. . . isn’t consistent
Don’t think like that
Like how?
Like all logical and stuff
I don’t like it and it’s not right
I don’t understand you
Good because I’m pretty sure that I don’t make sense
You are so funny
Well we’re losing track
Track? Of what?
It’s been 10 seconds
Forever it was
Was what?
Do you always have to do that?
Confuse me
When did I?
Just now
What was just now?
Our conversation?
I’m confused
About what?
Since when do I know you?
What do you mean by that?
When did we first meet?
About 3 years ago?
