Thursday, August 31, 2017

Poetry: Heart Broken

There’s a change in you; a shift. I’m not even sure that you’re aware of it but I’m not blind even as you push me away. The way that you used to speak was happier, had more hope. I would not have befriended the person I see before me now and the transition I’ve witnessed saddens me. Your harsh jokes have become your actual way of thinking. Your current view on the opposite sex is soulless and unforgiving. Resfusing to admit the emotional motivation that impacts your actions is childish and weak. Pretending to be unaffected by a recent heartbreak, pretending to be moving on, damaging future men as a way to lash out against the ones of old, viewing people like cattle to be used and manipulated to your will… you are not who you used to be. There is no hopeless romantic left. You don’t ship your friends and you don’t believe in love. The way you treated my man so callously was not ignored and your unforgiving attitude towards me was distinctly noticed. Are you aware of the pain you cause as you build your defences against feelings? I see your alteration. You have become someone I cannot recognize.

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