Thursday, August 31, 2017

Poetry: Exacerbated

You think we’re friends because I have a few pictures of you and you brought me my rover… or abandoned it at my doorstep? (Not really sure honestly but I love the little guy) Sorry, Earth… but that doesn’t count as a visit and I’m tired of you stealing my rocks. I’m not fond of being romanticized and the fact that you can’t see that I’ve lived through your present and have understanding of your situation is beyond aggrevating. Not to mention, every year I hear your false promises that you’ll come up and see me. Well, I’ve been waiting. It’s been years. I think I’ll hang out with Venus instead.
I’ve lost my ozone by my own stupid choices, I’m not about to let you worsen my life for me too. I’ve seen the way you treat your own moon. (Phobos and Deimos do not approve) You are a cruel mistress to the bodies closest you and I’m not going to let myself get drawn into a closer orbit when I can see what awaits those that do. You’re so narcissistic that you won’t ever notice that it’s me, Mars, that doesn’t like you. You’re the younger version of me that got spoiled early on and now lives corrupted.

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