Saturday, January 21, 2017

Poetry: Hard to Make the Words Come

I've been sitting alone and it's felt like forever, hoping that some clarity might come. I can skim through the words that were so harshly spoken and I still just can't seem to understand why. When I am upset, why do I always use such an aggressive tactic? It doesn't help anything and it makes everyone more miserable. When I nitpick on flaws that don't really exist but still make you sad, why is your response always self-isolation? How can I let you know that I'm sorry, that what was said was untrue and wrong? How can I mend this wound that I crafted when the words just don't seem to want to form? How do I show you that I love you and that my psychotic episode is over when you've driven yourself away and left me alone? I don't understand what hurts the most and I can't grasp how you feel. I don't want to make the same mistake again but your refusal to let me in makes it challenging and I sit here, feeling like a failure because I'm not good enough to know. I have heard you question your ability to be good enough for me but at this moment, I question mine. Oh my sweet dear, my blossoming man, the pride of my heart... There is nothing I desire more than to be yours and have you in my life forever. But at this moment, struggling to accept our different ways of grieving, fighting to accept the reality that our mutual sorrow dictates... I feel like poison, a toxin, perhaps. And as badly as I want you, as much as I need you... all of my conclusions end the same. The desire in my heart is strong to keep you but the rationale of my head speaks differently: I am causing this and so, despite all the wishes I may have in reverse, despite the hurt that this thought even existing has all the way to my soul, despite the fact that I can't picture my life without you actively in it... I feel like I should stop holding you back and let you go. You deserve better than this and you deserve better than me. You think you can't make me happy and I know that's a lie but words never stopped a heart before. How can I let you know that you're the only thing holding back my depression and my handling methods are awful? I don't know how to say that my emotional state is not your fault and how deeply I am saddened when you put that burden onto your shoulders. I want you to be strong for me, to be a stable individual in my chaotic life but I don't want you to try to fix my life. How can I explain how impossible that is? You're perfect to me, honey. Not because you're flawless: heaven knows we have enough flaws to spare... but because the love you give me is pure and true and I can rest my trust in loving you. We're probably always going to fight and there's plenty of room for polarized desires... but how perfect it is that I know I'll love you fully anyway and you do too. But maybe that's the problem. In your love for me, you desire my happiness and then try to dictate the winds and the sea to make it so but that elements don't listen and the results don't align with intent because you're trying to manage what you should be loving and in frustration it all crumbles away. But how am I to know, sitting here, contemplating the time of day as you've locked yourself away and I just sit here in question-- wondering when you'll let me in and love you even when you're weak and I probably caused the hurt? I want to be your help-meet. I want to be the one you rely completely upon as I do on you. Tell me your sorrow and your pain, give me your love and your wealth, fasten to me the stresses of life with the exciting moments of your day. Let me bring harmony and grace. I want to be the one that completes your life. I'll turn your house into a home. I'll turn our marriage into a family. Let me make a welcoming environment free of your daily stress and life out of brick and stone. I want to be the one that does this. I want you to question how you lived before me-- not because you couldn't have but because it's just so much better and fulfilling with me there. All I ask is for you to support and love me. Let me show you how greatly I can flourish under a tender, loving gaze. How great it'd be if only... If only we were two open people who could talk with each other without letting negativity be a deterrent for our conversation. Oh, I wish I knew what to say. Just letting all of this bottle up and boil inside, squirming to get out but not understanding how to properly release what I feel. I want to understand. I wish to make it better. But I'm sitting here alone, wishing to verbally express my heart when there's no words to properly emphasize what I mean, choked up and failing to help because I don't know how to do this. I'm full of fear and anticipation, sorrow and love, patience and grief... wondering why it is so hard to make the words come.

I just know that I don't want to hurt you.

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