Sunday, April 29, 2018

Poetry: The Human Condition

We are all full of hypocrisies.
Small phrases
Little words
That do not align.

Letting temporary feelings
Lack of understanding
Control the situation

Pent up anger

You say
Jesus can forgive all sins
Damn you
You say
I see no good in or from you

Proclaiming to not be of this world
Be better
See clearer
Live well
That's the typical story
Isn't it?

Show me how you're different

You can't

Our morality does not align
Do not argue morals
Our ethics do no align
Do not speak of your ethics
Our values are not the same
Do not tell me what you value
Beliefs mean nothing on their own
Show me why they matter

Stop using old mantra
I've heard it a thousand times
And most of them said it better than you
Understood it clearer than you
Stop acting like your words are something new

Leave uncertainty at the door
I want your experiences
Not your thoughts
Where is the data, evidence, proof?

Citing a story that a million people have read
Interpreted in more ways than there are people
Dictated differently every day
Basing its claims on how you feel
How you think
Using it as justification


It should be the other way

Stop saying that your beliefs are logical
They are just your personal thoughts
If you truly meant them,
You'd live them

But you don't

Harassing others for the weakest sin of sex
When the strongest sin of pride
Is firm on your shoulders

Didn't you learn from your Jesus?
Humility is the prize
You are worthless
You are replacable
You are dust
No one deserves life
No one deserves love
No one is better than anyone else
(grovel at the feet of your master)

There is no guarantee of salvation
Thought and action align
Parallel to the grace and will of Above

This is known at death
Not sooner

To make that choice is a curse
To live knowing
Mother cries eternally for the fallen
Father grieves for those who forsake life
Brother is the one that calls them
The one they turn from
You are safe to watch others make the wrong choice

Stop thinking about you
It's never been about you
It never will

Your life is for others
Created to worship
Created to suffer

What do you think the end is?
All your dreams satisfied?
The end is the will of the Maker
Reverence for grace and power
Praise to the one who made the rules
Designed the skies

Don't want it?
Don't take it.

Many would rather choose their paths
Better to suffer your own fate
Than prosper the one given

That's the choice
Let them make it

Don't pound on my door
Don't hand me some pages
Don't offer to waste my time

It's all been tried before

You do it for you
Not for me
You do it for your institution
Not for the creater
You do it for self esteem
Not to be faithful

This is the human condition.

Do not call me apathetic

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