Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Poetry: Darkness

Mist swirls all around
It isn't night
But it feels like it

Was that thunder or my heart?
Cold wind gushes against my skin
Like tiny fingernails scraping away the flesh

Walking along, trying to find the light
Sounds erupt around like bloody vengeance is here
There's no clear way to see

Walking along, hoping the ground I tread is safe
Fearing a disastrous strike at any moment
I cling to myself

The only thing I know
I shiver along, racing
Quickly darting eyes left and right

Malicious laughter fills the atmosphere
I pause, look around
No face to be seen

"You can't go this way
You have to follow the rules
Do as I command"

Since when are there rules?
Who is the voice in the sky?
How trustworthy is something that I know nothing of?

The atmosphere gets tight
Howling in the distance
Rain pelts down, drawing blood


I scream
I resist
I fight

It gets worse and worse but I think I finally can see the sun
Not so far away
Just a little...

Perhaps unattainable
Perhaps just a dream
But I know what I saw

There is nothing here like the light.


I bow
I crumble
I submit

The rain quiets down
As it falls my lungs fill with coldness
The light and heat of my soul shrivel

Forget the cold in your coldness
Forget sight in the blackness
Forget passion among the heartless

Becoming one with the night.

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