Thursday, August 18, 2016


Sarcasm is the worst. I used to think this when I was too young to understand it but now as I grow older, the feelings return as I believe that I have come to understand it too well. It’s full of bitterness and spite, thinly veiled as a joke— a way of mockery at the point’s expense. But you’re not allowed to take it personally without being a stick in the mud. A “no offense but…” comment that is prohibited from taking offense without looking classless. It’s a way that nice people turn into monsters while keeping the world unaware of their slip into hard thinking. A way to shut down empathy without appearing to be without affection. An occasional use can appear as witty but the ones that have sarcasm at their constant use have shown a trend to be people full of hate and acidity towards the world. Is it just a correlation or a causation? I have no clue. But there’s certainly a link and my patience towards its use has worn thin as it feels like each use is an attack on human decency. But how can I say that it upsets me? Moreover, how could I state the reason why? I ignore the phrase and move on, hoping that it is enough indication for them to realize that their comment was not found appealing. But when so many people enjoy this type of crass joke there is not much I can do. I have no right to tell another to stop doing or participating in something that they enjoy because of my personal feelings that have no basis in morality and are purely my own. So… I’ll just sit here, trying to remember that they don’t mean the offense they cause. But that won’t stop me from thinking; sarcasm is the worst.

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