Thursday, August 18, 2016

Finding Truth

What is Truth? Outside of God, in our understanding of an answer between two people… I have  heard time and time again that a straight forward verbal/written answer is the closest that we can get. But is it really? I have learned more about a person from the way they hug in sorrow than their words have ever expressed. I know more about my sister from her laugh and the forced repression of her smile than I ever had from a deep conversation of pure honesty. Personally, I prefer to see love in action compared to an short exchange of “I love you”s. Am I alone in this? Is not watching someone ease a tense shoulder and then their lover, noticing, massage the hurt a better way of showing love than trying to express such a complicated and deep emotion with words? For short exchanges of surface-level information I understand that words are the better way but… for emotionally based information I cannot say that words are enough. When you are in need and someone comes to your aid without you having to ask, when you are given a gift that matches you perfectly without having ever mentioned such a thing, when someone assists you in a task that would have been overwhelming or time-consuming alone completely voluntarily… this is a better way. The hurt in my eyes after your words of spite say more than any word that comes out of my mouth could. My tone, my body language, my actions, the nuances that exist in the silence I give… these aid the truth in my words. How can I express the peace I feel in words without distorting it? How can I say the intensity of my emotions without misrepresenting or corroding them? Outside a simple exchange of information such as classwork or the weather… I don’t understand how words alone can be enough to say that I am being truthful. I’m not trying to fight you. I am desperately fighting to understand. My laugh says more about my mood than answering, “How are you?” no matter how specific the answer. I can answer what happened in my day but only my tone can tell you how it fazed me. Its affect. Show me, no… I guess, tell me how words can accomplish all of this. Because for me, the furrow in your brow explains more than your words. I guess I am a visual person. So tell me, oh pragmatic one, how do I make my words enough? When I am an emotional wreck, tell me how straight forward I should be. I'm looking for the answer.

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