Wednesday, June 29, 2016

White Dog

I watched a movie recently about a white dog. In case you are unaware, a white dog is a dog that has been trained since infancy through abuse to hate and attack people of color. Sometimes these dogs are mislabeled as attack dogs. But they are not. Fueled by the hatred of their owners, they have been turned into murderous beings through mind manipulation.

These poor dogs cannot be cured. Taught to wise up in the presence of a gun? Sure. But to get rid of that hostility that has formed a part of their instinct? No. The only option is to put them down.

In the movie, a young woman encounters this dog and because it saved her life, she was unwilling to put it down and instead looked for someone crazy enough to try to un-train him. Fueled by hope and blinded by optimism, they saw progress where it wasn't being made which led to them unleashing this weapon, thinking it was discharged when their tampering had only made it worse. In the end, the dog was put down like it needed to be but it cost many of the characters wounds and covering up their involvement in the murder of a man by the white dog. It was a terrible mess, showing the damage that active racism can cause and how difficult it is to dispel.

Why am I writing about all of this? In part because I can't get that image of that dog covered in blood attacking people's jugulars. (It doesn't help that my own dog is so affectionate and it has created an unfounded two-second fear when she draws close.) In part because I have experienced first hand mulattoes accusing me of prejudice and micro-aggressions simply because of the lack of pigmentation that I was born with. I'm tired of listening to these sob stories of how offended I make people who don't know a thing about me or my history just by living the life that I do. (Watch 'Dear White People') I'm tired of hearing all of these swooping stereotypical statements made about me and people like me when watching that movie made my blood curl in a way that no horror movie has ever been able to. Because it's real. Because that kind of atrocity happens and could happen and I'm terrified of the day that I might meet someone with that level of loathing in their body-- hate so strong that they would literally create a monster out of a simple creature. I am not like that and I don't deserve nor desire to be grouped in with such pitiful people as those who experience xenophobia.

And it's been running. Rampant. First anti-semitism. Then, in the slave trade Irish and African alike. Koreans hating the Japanese while the average American can't spot the difference. Because all Asians look alike. Just like all black people look alike. All Native Americans look alike. All Europeans look alike. People look very similar to each other and the first distinguisher is pigment. Then hair, then clothes. After that, it's detail work. But that's not racism. That's not hate.

I don't care a lick about your prejudices and your opinions about whatever group catches your mind's fancy as long as you don't make it active. And the Holocaust was making it active. Breeding white dogs makes it active. Attacking Middle Eastern countries that we don't have a single justifiable reason to be in makes it active. I'm writing this as Britain just left the EU because they wanted more control over their borders, unaware of the consequences such an action would take. I'm sick and tired of hearing of people complain and shout racism when race wasn't even part of the question. We have some very real racist problems in this world but border security in Europe just isn't one.

Stop thinking in terms of what you can say or shout that makes you look like a victim and start focusing on how people are actively hated upon and hurt. Let's put down the white dogs. Even the ones that save our lives.

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