Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Poetry: Depression Is

I don't know why I'm sad.
Oh, trust me, I have plenty of reasons to be.
My family isn't the most stable,
My grades aren't super stellar,
My sleeping schedule is out of whack,
My man is more unresponsive than I would like,
My interactions with others has severely decreased,
My schoolwork is drowning me in assignments.

I am numb to it all.
The urgency I once felt,
The vigor of life that led me,
The passion of the words that I speak,
Dried away in the heat of day.

I've kinda forgotten how to smile.
Productivity is not even fathomable in my dreams.
I lay here, mind battling body to do something besides sleep.
Besides play dumb, cheap internet games.

I loathe myself.
Not because I'm particularly loathsome of a person...

I am not what I was meant to be.
This can't be the life I'm supposed to be living.
All I want is release.

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