Monday, December 5, 2016

Poetry: It Couldn't Happen to Me

A small child idolizes the future
Takes the pain of the world
Putting on some rose-coloured glasses
Bringing light to the darkness
Unaware of truth or perhaps more so

They can wish for hardness
They can wish for difficulty
They can wish for pain

They can want the things that cause tears
And call it real
They can see the fights between their parents
And call it love
They can ask for the difficulties of adulthood
And call it mature

They don't really think it'll happen
To them

That's why they can idolize it
Think that they can do it better
Trusting that they will be stronger people
Than the ones who came before

Then as they grow
And deviations from plan spiral along
The fabrics of a dream unravel
Turning dark, becoming living nightmares

When being broke was a joke
Well, not anymore as you see your wife starve
When being mugged was a game
Well, not anymore as you lost your weekly salary
When being raped was romanticized
Well, not when you're scared out of your mind
When fighting was considered communication
Well, not when it came to blows and a hospital bill
When brutality was considered heroic
Well, not when you see your best bud die
When growing up and moving out was ideal
Well, not when you're living paycheck to paycheck
And you still don't know what you'll be doing with your life
You lost your dream
And not only is it gone but
You can't even remember what it was

And you can only sing along to songs
Saying how no one ever said life'd be this hard
Wanting to start again
With the information of now

Filled with morose thinking of a halcyon youth
Back when

It couldn't happen to me.

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