Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Poetry: Before I Knew

A desire
A longing
A wish
A short contemplation of the mind
A slight sorrow
A break in thought
Not to be thought again
Till another day

An unlived fantasy of the mind
Drawing life from dearth
A bother
A hindrance
Nothing more

Then one day
Among thoughts of need
Availability is there
Possibility is here
Going along out of fear
Don't want to miss an opportunity
The comings and goings of which are too fast

So now I have a taste
It unleashed my appetite
A desire before? A desperation now
A longing before? A burning now
A wish before? A craving now
A small thought turned to all day obsession
Mad with yearning
There is no other thought
Hoping to end this consideration
With the end of today

If I knew this power of my mind
Drawing and reflecting given a taste of my desire
Would I have let myself still be led here?
Weak in coveting
Because I know.

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