Friday, February 20, 2015

Poetry: Hanging

...I doubt...
the goodness of others
...Their humanity...
is gone in mine eyes
...They are small creatures...
unworthy of sympathy
...Sometimes I go through periods where...
I cannot see them
as anything more than bodies

...I give them roles in my head;
who they are and their limits
...To justify acting pleasantly...
to these little people
...But they are not my images...
so they break away from my boundaries
and this makes me mad
...So I disassociate once again...
no longer do I see them
...They are gone from my cruel eyes...

And that is how I relate to others
Through Psychopathic filters
Through a place of un-love and bias
No, I don't understand you
No, I don't know your pain
I just wish to be Holy and close to the Father

So I act like Christine,
Feeling like Phantom.

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