Saturday, November 11, 2017

The One About Sexual Assault

I hate to be blunt about this but I honestly don't know another way to go about this...

Why don't we treat sexual misconduct like a crime? It is a crime yet... we give it so many loopholes that it may as well not be.

When we become informed of someone having undergone that experience, we don't send them to the police to have the perpetrator stopped. Instead, we send the victims off to have conservations with 'experienced' individuals about what happened to them and next steps so that they can recover. Oftentimes, these people that the victims are sent to are not mandatory reporters-- they don't have to testify in a court of law and have no repercussions for not bringing this incident to light. And that's it. Case closed?

Police stations put out public reports about crime activity in their area so that people can make informed decisions about moving or picking a school to attend but when it is not required that they get accurate numbers about sexual incidents, all the statistics are null and void on the subject. We cannot accurately document something that the 'supporters' sweep under the rug because they are more concerned about the recovery of the psyche of the victim.

On that note, if someone was murdered, the brother of the murdered individual who witnessed it first hand still must report said murder and appear in court to make sure justice is granted. Their mental psyche is dealt with afterwards or separately but crimes must be reported and action must be taken. It doesn't matter who they talk to-- the situation must be addressed. Is this not a case of trauma at least as severe if not more so than rape or other forms of sexual misconduct? I don't understand why we as a society are so concerned about the victims that we do nothing to stop the perpetrators and prevent the numbers of victims from increasing.

And no, saying 'don't rape' doesn't count as doing anything. And convincing victims that it's not their fault doesn't count as doing anything.

Can we please just stop treating the after effects and instead target the source, the reason? So many of our boys are surrounded by toxic women and so many of our girls are hurt by toxic men. But all we do is reach out to victims and say, 'we support you, we were once there'.

I find it disgusting the way that we treat sexual misconduct in our country. Feminists: you're causing the rape culture that you claim to hate. Happy? I'm not.

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