Sunday, April 2, 2017

Shower Time

She woke up to the sun rising in the far distance and a slight headache present above her eyes. She had hoped that the rest would have helped clear her head and make her feel better but it hadn’t. She slunk over to the shower and turned it on, not caring that the water was barely warm. She threw off her clothes and entered, slinking against the wall almost immediately. The water beat down on her flesh, forming pools at her crevices. She just lay there, stunned with no motivation to get on with her day. She looked up at the shower head and closed her eyes as the water beat down on her face. She took a deep sorrowful breath and let quiet tears fall. Her shoulders shook and her breathing lost consistency as she sat, wondering when her life would change. Eventually the tears ran out, letting the water wash away her salty evidence. She burrowed her face into hands, massaging her temple as a conclusion to her moment of emotional weakness. Slowly, she rose off of the floor of the shower and started to shampoo her hair. Her hands worked slowly and meticulously, lathering her hair completely before rinsing. She applied her conditioner and leaned against the wall as she tried to form a complete thought to little avail. After a few minutes she rinsed out her hair once again until the only feeling left in her hair was water. She turned off the tap, dried herself off, and slunked back to her bedroom. She sat down in her chair and despondently wished for some company.

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